

It is so weird to be coming up on the first day of Fall and I have not had a summer. We basically have one season here on The Central Coast. It's never hot and it's never cold. It totally screws up my sense of time.

I had a few days of summer when I went over Pacheco Pass to go to Sacramento. It gets HOT over there in The Valley... 100 degrees plus regularly. That climate is less than an hour's drive away. But here on The Coast the range is 65-75 year in and year out. One day is the same as any other with the exception of the fog, and in the season, rain.

The hardwood trees, of which there are a few, mostly birches and gums, are starting to turn. (The California oak, the dominant tree in this area, is an evergreen.) But there is no cold to go with the leaves turning. They are just reacting to the shorter days.

So I find myself asking where the summer went. It didn't go anywhere as we didn't have one. I think I miss the seasons and will head up into the Sierras to at least experience Fall sometime in October.

Is there such a thing as too perfect?


Blogger Kitty said...

I had a friend once who moved from San Diego to Pittsburgh because he couldn't take another perfect sunny day.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 6:51:00 AM  

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